
Workbench v3.8 B-1 Classpath Container Init [Closed]

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  • #208063 Reply

    Using Tomcat 5 as a server, I get the following error when i start tomcat through the myEclips toolbar: startup-error.gif
    There seems to be a problem with reading/writing the configuration – here’s what mine looks like:config.gif
    While closing eclipse, it tries to write the prefs and encounters another error: shutdown.gif.
    If this is of any help, here’s the logfile produced.
    Quite interesting: it says “JSP Compiler broken”. Isn’t that something…

    #208089 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you answer the questions we ask for in the posting guidelines? (TIP: Hit post reply and hit Insert)

    BTW those screenshots really helped to make your report easy to follow, thanks!

    #208143 Reply

    – System Setup ——————————-
    Operating System and version:
    Eclipse version:
    Eclipse build id:
    Fresh Eclipse install (y/n):
    If not, was it upgraded to its current version using the update manager?
    Other installed external plugins:
    Number of plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory that begin with org.eclipse.pde.*:
    MyEclipse version:
    Eclipse JDK version:
    Application Server JDK version:
    Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file?

    – Message Body ——————————-
    Here’s the system info you asked for.

    #208144 Reply

    – System Setup ——————————-
    Operating System and version: Win 2K
    Eclipse version: 3.0 M9
    Eclipse build id: 200405211200
    Fresh Eclipse install (y/n): Y
    If not, was it upgraded to its current version using the update manager?
    Other installed external plugins: jadclipse
    Number of plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory that begin with org.eclipse.pde.*: 8
    MyEclipse version: 3.8 b1
    Eclipse JDK version: 1.4.2
    Application Server JDK version: 1.4.2
    Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file? see above

    – Message Body ——————————-
    Stupid me!

    #208171 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Do you have any additional files setup in your Paths preference panel for the Tomcat app server? (Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > App Server > Tomcat 5 > Paths)

    Can you try and remove and re-add the J2EE Library Set from your build path? AND If you don’t need EJB support, can you remove it from your build path, and instead add the 2 external JARs (servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar) from your <Tomcat>/common/lib folder?

    Did you setup a proper JDK to launch your app server, or are you using the JRE that Eclipse defaultly finds and sets-up for your under “INstalled JREs”? Application Servers must have a fully configured JDK to run, not a JRE. You can use the Add button from the JDK preference panel under Tomcat App Server to set one up.

    #208175 Reply

    Can you try and remove and re-add the J2EE Library Set from your build path? AND If you don’t need EJB support, can you remove it from your build path, and instead add the 2 external JARs (servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar) from your <Tomcat>/common/lib folder?

    Looks like this did the trick. Unfortunately it wasn’t that easy, because I was unable to get the “Java Build Path” property page displayed.
    An attempt to call that property page caused a log entry:

    !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.runtime 4 2 Jun 08, 2004 17:21:14.750
    !MESSAGE Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.core.runtime".
    !STACK 0
        at com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core.J2EEContainerInitializer.Ä‚(Unknown Source)
        at com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core.J2EEContainerInitializer.initialize(Unknown Source)
        at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager.initializeContainer(JavaModelManager.java:1187)
        at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager.getClasspathContainer(JavaModelManager.java:826)
        at org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore.getClasspathContainer(JavaCore.java:1183)
        at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaProject.getResolvedClasspath(JavaProject.java:1877)

    and a blank dialog.
    I had to manually edit the .classpath file and remove the following entry:

    <classpathentry kind="con" path="com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core.J2EE13_CONTAINER"/>

    After restarting my workbench, all went well.
    what the heck is going on there…?

    #208183 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    There was a problem with the classpath initializer that was aggravated by the changes to the plugin startup and multi-threading code in M9. It’s been fixed internally in the Beta 2 build set.

    #208186 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m glad that fixed it, but I will let the guys know. We have had some problems in the past with our Library Set getting forgetful and such, we are hoping that the new “official” library set support that was added in Eclipse 3.0 M8 build will be what we can rely on now that 3.0 is our primary development platform.

    I would just chalk this one up to weirdness until we can get resettled on a common platform. Sorry for the trouble.

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