
When can we expect the January Release?

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  • #293574 Reply


    There has been a lot of reference to the January fix that address the poor communication and error riddled code of 7.0.1.

    When in January can we expect this release?

    #293582 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Early February. Internal testing starts at end of January, but we are replacing the Add/Remove software flow *and* adding /dropins support along with all the backend changes that were required to make that happen — to be realistic I don’t see all those major changes happening without some bugs that need to get fixed so I’m expecting it to push into the first week of February atleast.

    It has a massively high priority, which also means massively high scrutiny and caution around doing the release and making sure it’s right so there will be some delay in there while we test, retest and test again.

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