
Weblogic 8.1 Managed Server control [Closed]

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  • #199595 Reply


    Eclipse 3.0M4 with corresponding MyEclipse install. Other plugins are the IBM ClearCase plugin.

    Target server -> WL 8.1SP1 set up as an Admin server with a managed server.

    Target JDK -> 1.4.2_01

    Platform -> Windows XP

    Issue: is it possible to control a managed server that was setup using the WebLogic configuration wizard? While it tries to start/stop the managed server, the WebLogic console seems to have no knowledge about it. Is that normal and expected?

    Issue: I wanted to deploy a simple one page JSP project to the server, but I got an error that MyEclipse could not write to the directory?

    #199597 Reply


    We typically don’t recommend using a managed server configuration during development and testing. The MyEclipse WLS connector does not interact with the admin application in any way but rather uses the low level WLS APIs. So you might see the admin console getting out of sync with the real state of your WLS env.

    I’m wondering why you can not deploy a simple Web App project directly to WLS. I do this all the time. If you’re using exploded deployment MyEclipse will try to create the directory <execution root domain pref>/applications/<your context root>. Can you successfully start/stop WLS from MyEclipse with the domain configured in your MyEclipse WLS preferences? If not verify that your connector preferences are correctly configured. Also verify that there are no file access restrictions on this directory.


    MyEclipse Support

    #199598 Reply


    I have a similar issue. Changing the “External Managed Server” from “standalone” to “managed” doesn’t seem to do anything. In both cases, I see:

    <This server is being started as the administration server.>

    I’m running WL8.1.1 and MyEclipse 3.0M4.

    #199608 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Setting the ‘managed’ flag simply sets the following environment variable when starting WebLogic: -Dweblogic.management.discover=true

    This will cause WebLogic to look briefly for a management server and then start up in administration mode if none is found. As Michael stated, we really don’t recommend running in a manged configuration for development and debugging, however.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199626 Reply


    I’ve created a single, stand-alone WL8.1Sp1 server instance, and set it up for development just like my managed server instance (startup classes, etc), only it is standalone. Now eeverything works just fine; I can deploy, start/stop the server, etc.

    This is fine – I don’t typically need managed servers to do development except when I am testing distributed components.

    #199630 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Good to hear you’re up and running. That’s really the best configuration for debugging.

    MyEclipse Support

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