
Web project with sources in another project

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  • #241030 Reply

    I have a project which contains sources used in many projects.
    Now I make a web project which must use this sources.
    When i deploy the project in JBoss or when i export the project as war the classes from project which contains common sources are not deployed or exported in war.

    I tried to set that web project reference the other project, in build path i added at source project.
    It is not possible to do something like this or i made something wrong?

    Thank you,

    #241080 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Yes, you should be able to make your web project depend on your utility project (the one that contains sources used in many projects). The utility project should be a plain Java project. Instructions on how to do that are in the Advanced section of the Working with Web Projects tutorial in the Documentation section.

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