
Uninstall 7.5 All in One, Install 8….

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  • #304350 Reply


    On Windows 7 I want to uninstall my All-In-One MyEclipse 7.5, Install 8.0 and point it to my workspace, and get back to work. At least that’s how I understand the process is supposed to go with a major upgrade.

    But MyEclipse is not listed in the Programs contol panel, so I can’t uninstall it there. And I see no Uninstall option anywhere under the Genuitec folder where 7.5 lives.

    Stuck. Please advise.

    #304352 Reply


    I just dug around a little further and divined that the uninstall of 7.5 and the install of 8 should both be done through Pulse. I tried installing 8, only to get this message about 10 minutes in:

    The Eclipse executable [myeclipse.exe] can not be found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Genuitec\Profiles\MyEclipse 8.x…..

    This is a 64 bit Windows 7 machine…. Please advise.

    #304391 Reply



    Sorry to hear you are running into this issue. I would recommend you a clean install. Please follow below steps –
    1. Run the uninstaller.
    2. Make sure the MyEclipse Install Directory has been completely removed
    2.1. Pulse Install Directory, on XP it’s under C:\Program Files in \Pulse or \Genuitec, and on Vista it’s under <USER.HOME>\AppData\Local and then under \Pulse or \Genuitec again
    3. Then make sure the pulse2.locator file under <USER.HOME> is erased as well
    4. Next install ME 8.0 using pulse.

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