
UML roadmap?

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  • #199853 Reply


    One of my key interests in subscribing was the UML support you had indicated on your roadmap page (for Q3). Do you expect to deliver this in the near future?

    #199856 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    We’re still actively working on it and it should be in place by the end of the year.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199991 Reply


    Would you (Scott) be able to let us in on which plug in you will be going with? I assume you’ll be choosing from the several free Eclipse UML plugins. I ask this since I have an immediate need for UML, and wouldn’t mind getting a leg up on whatever tool you’ll be integrating.


    #200029 Reply

    Mark Walker

    Would you (Scott) be able to let us in on which plug in you will be going with? I assume you’ll be choosing from the several free Eclipse UML plugins. I ask this since I have an immediate need for UML, and wouldn’t mind getting a leg up on whatever tool you’ll be integrating.

    Don’t even need Scott for this one. Apparently they are going to be integrating ‘MDE fo UML’ by metanology.
    FYI: the free version from the metanology web-site doesn’t generate code. It stores its class definitions in an XML format. Of course, this doesn’t stop anyone from writing an XSLT script or two to generate the code…
    Another thing about the ‘MDE for UML’ plug-in is that it doesn’t play nicely with the eclipse 3.0 code base. Hopefully, they will fix this so that the 3.x.x stream of MyEclipse can have the plug-in too.

    #200996 Reply


    I don’t want to go off on a tangent talking about a product other than MyEclipse, but if they are indeed including MDE for UML then it is appropriate.

    My current concern regarding MDE for UML is that it only supports Use Case and Class diagrams. In my work I have found activity and sequence diagrams to be very beneficial. I hope there are plans to support more UML diagrams.

    #201008 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Yes, more diagrams will be supported. In fact, the lack of them is basically why we’re waiting on the integration. There’s a core set of functionality that’s needed, and once that’s there we’ll integrate it.

    MyEclipse Support

    #201023 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Why is Omondo not mentioned? I’m not farmiliar with MDE, is this a better solution?

    #201028 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Why is Omondo not mentioned?

    They’re not big on partnerships, apparently.

    I’m not farmiliar with MDE, is this a better solution?

    Very subjective, but they’ve got a very high quality and reliable codebase. They’re strength is really model-driven architecture. However, at the basis is UML modeling, which we’ll be able to incorporate once it’s complete.

    MyEclipse Support

    #201032 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Good to hear, (high quality, reliable codebase)., sounds like you guys made the right decision. We look forward to the relationship that develops.

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