
UI generation in My Eclipse for Spring

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  • #316864 Reply


    I want to use the product in My company but the UI generation seems very limiting. Is there a way to produce highly customized UI’s quickly and maintain customizations with future generations of code maintaining customizations ?

    Paul S

    #316872 Reply


    Here is a youtube video on the subject.

    You can customize the code generation using this approach, and if you really wanted to invest a bit of time, you could technically build your own eclipse plugins using our extension points to create your own code artifacts, etc.

    You can also choose which layers you are going to generate when you rescaffold so you could regenerate all of the layers except the UI layer if you intend to modify the UI files significantly but would still like to iterate with the data model.

    Depending on the UI type (Flex, GWT, JSP) that you are scaffolding you may have a few other options to style the generated UI components.


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