
timing calculations, local storage and sorting lists

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  • #344325 Reply


    I am trying to write a vehicle timing app. I think I can do it with three pages. First page will have textfields to enter vehicle number driver name and start time for each vehicle.
    Second page will have textfields to enter a current time up to that point.
    Third page will show a sorted list showing the vehicle number and drivers name along with their total time, sorted with the shortest elapsed time on the top, working down with each successive time.

    I don’t know how to do this. I do have a working function to do the time calculations. I just pass the four values to it (start date, start time, finish date, finish time) and it returns the time difference. I am having trouble deciding how to proceed. I also don’t know anything about sorting. I want to keep the right vehicle name, drivers name and elapsed time with each other.

    Will local storage do this for me? Will it work in both a web app and a native app?

    Thanks for any help or suggestions.

    #344337 Reply


    Local storage can do this for you. But, if you need to change the driver information you might want to look into loading it (maybe at startup) from a xml or json file into the storage. There are a few examples of that on the forum.

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