
Struts editor

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  • #201560 Reply


    hi all,

    i installed eclipse 2.1.2 and the 2.7RC2

    nice works good exept for 1 thing: the struts editor, it only seems to work when i remove these 2 lines from the code:

    <!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN"

    otherwise i get a blank page with a simple error on it.

    but if i do that my tomcat goes ballistic :-].

    I do have to say, i’m behind a userauthenticated proxy, so i’m used to tools not getting connected, so i switched off the validation rules. but still it won’t work. is this a known bug? or is there a simple solution for it?


    #201569 Reply


    As you have identified you need the DocType declaration in your struts-config.xml. The strategy used by the ME XML Editor is to check its local DTD cache before hitting the internet to retrieve the DTD. ME ships with a library of standard J2EE industry DTDs which are used to seed the XML-DTD cache. Anytime a DTD is retrieved by the XML Editor it is then cached (see XML Editor preferences to disable this behavior).

    I just identified that MyEclipse 2.7RC2 DTD library only includes the Struts 1.1 DTD. Therefore the editor is trying to retrieve the DTD from the web and your proxy is blocking it. The short term fix is to download the Struts 1.0 DTD and add it to your ME’s XML DTD library.

    See the following workaround thread:


    MyEclipse Support

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