
RMIC compiles?

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  • #209000 Reply


    I’ve yet to switch to MyEclipse … Does it support automatic stub generation of remote classes? I’m currently using the free version of the plug-in described at http://www.genady.net/rmi/. That author has now gone commercial and so if MyEclipse offers similar functionality, I’d switch to it. I’ve browsed your website and it looks like the answer is no, but thought I’d ask



    #209002 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Currently we don’t support that functionality, although using this plugin along side MyEclipse shouldn’t give you any hassle (or writing an Ant script to do the RMIC compile).

    I will send this request on to the dev team though for them to consider. Thank you.

    #209017 Reply


    Thanks for the quick response and forwarding the request. I do realize I can use the plug-in “along side MyEclipse”. My main concern with using the existing plug-in is that it’s an “old” version which is free. The author has since gone commercial and so more recent ones are not available for free. If MyEclipse had provided similar functionality it would have been a strong incentive to me to move to using your product. As things stand, I’ll hold off on moving to MyEclipse since most of the other functionality offered by MyEclipse is of less interest to me.

    #209099 Reply



    I just want to let you know that there are more of us that uses (or at least used) Genady’s RMI plugin. It would be very nice if MyEclipse would incorporate the same functionality. It would have a functional (“all-in-one-MyEclipse”) as well as cost advantage (no need to buy Genady’s RMI plugin) for your users.


    #209106 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thanks for the heads up, this is really how we gauge our next features, user demand. I’ll send this reminder to the team.

    #209424 Reply


    Any news on how your team took this feature request?

    I just noticed that the Genady plugin needs to be upgraded to 1.6 (from 1.5) to support Eclipse 3.0. You can use 1.6 freely until Aug 15th and then you have to renew you license. Hence, great oppertunity to get some new users… 🙂


    #209441 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    I’ve added an enhancement request for this, but the earliest it could be picked up is version 3.9, and that will be based on user demand.

    #209771 Reply

    I’d vote against expanding MyEclipse into non-J2EE areas such as direct support for RMIC. If I need to run RMIC over an Eclipse project, it sounds like there are other plug-ins that’ll do the job. MyEclipse should concentrate on the functionality needed to support J2EE-targeted development and not get distracted by other useful but non-J2EE functionality.

    #210436 Reply

    @rws@templarcorp.com wrote:

    I’d vote against expanding MyEclipse into non-J2EE areas such as direct support for RMIC.

    I second that notion. Let’s get totally solid J2EE development and deployment capabilities — that’s a large task, and there’s a long way to go yet.

    #234265 Reply

    Stickybit AB

    I have come to a pretty nice solution to support RMIC from within Eclipse without the plugin. Instead I use an Ant Builder (it eases creating the ant target if the RMI classes are in a separate package and have some sort of naming suffix convention e.g. Interface and Impl). Have a look at my comment in this Eclipse bug:


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