
Remote JBOSS deployment and debugging [Closed]

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  • #203616 Reply

    I am new to MyEclipse … I am developing J2EE apps ( EJBs). I have JBOSS installed in a different machine. From looking at the JBOSS plug-in it apprears like that JBOSS must be local to where myElipse IDE is installed. Which is limiting?

    Does it support remote deployment? If it does then where can I get the instruction.

    Thank you so much in advance for help.

    #203633 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Actually, we don’t explicitly support remote deployment and execution. However, you can remotely deploy to a JBoss network file system installation that your machine shares with the other one, but you’ll have to launch JBoss on the remote machine using the standard Eclipse remote execution support, not our JBoss connector. At the present time, MyEclipse is set up to work the way most developers appear to develop, which is with a local server over which they have full control.

    #203677 Reply

    Thanks Scott! So, Am I correct to assume that MyEclipse is intended only for developer only not necessarily for ‘Deployer’? I am fine with that concept as well just wanted to be sure of the objective of the tool. Often times, we wear dual hats these days.

    Also, we can not just assume that developer does not have full control of another server. In this network era, developers have access to several machines. One could be (normally laptop) dedicated for IDE and one could very well be dedicated for server ( e.g. JBOSS).

    I am not aware of ‘Eclipse Standard Remote Execution Support’. Could you please point me in the right direction? I don’t mind having a “Network Share Drive” if that does the trick for the remote deployment.

    Thanks again!

    Surendra Kashyap

    #203687 Reply


    The following link describes configuring Eclipse for debugging a remote Java program:


    Let us know if we can be of further assistance.

    #203699 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Thanks Scott! So, Am I correct to assume that MyEclipse is intended only for developer only not necessarily for ‘Deployer’?

    Yes, MyEclipse is really a development tool, not a deployment manager. That’s not to say that we don’t have deployment support, since we obviously do, only that the focus of our deployers is to deploy for development. They’re not intended to be used for packaging for QA test or production, for example.

    I don’t mind having a “Network Share Drive” if that does the trick for the remote deployment.

    What that would to is allow deployment to the remote machine easily using the MyEclipse deployer. Then, if you want to remotely debug a server, you can use the information in the link that Michael provided. Again, you only need to do that for remote debugging. Launching and debugging the server on the same machine you’re developing on should be done with the MyEclipse connectors, since they take care of all the detail work for you.

    #203764 Reply

    Thanks a lot!

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