
"Read Me (Trim)" at bottom right: what’s this?

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  • #264556 Reply


    Since installing 5.1, a small green rectangle appears at the bottom right of the MyEclipse window with the words “Read Me(Trim)”. Others have mentioned this too, but I haven’t seen an explanation or a description for how to get rid of it. A minor annoyance, but an annoyance nonetheless. Please advise.

    #264563 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    I’m not sure if any other support personnel has seen this issue posted here before, but I haven’t. Could you send us a screenshot of your Eclipse window?
    If you cannot attach it to this thread, can you email it to [email protected] ATTN Brian?

    Also, could you please answer all the questions asked here? Posting Guidelines

    #265939 Reply


    Hi Brian,

    I sent that screen shot as requested. Can you let me know whether you received it, and if you have any ideas?

    #265991 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    We did receive your email with the image, thanks. I certainly haven’t seen a message like that before. Have you installed any other plugins besides MyEclipse?

    Also, have you figured out a way to get rid of it? Perhaps by maximizing your editor or your eclipse window? I noticed that you really had no editor space and your window was quite small.
    If the message does not disappear, could you try closing your views and editors one at a time and see if that helps? You can always get all the views back by resetting the perspective (Window > Reset Perspective).

    Do let us know how it goes.

    #266165 Reply


    I have this too. It stays visible even with all perspectives closed. Also, it does not just say “Read Me Trim”, but “Read Me Trim (bottom)”. This little item is also draggable and dockable, and the the text changes to “Read Me Trim (Left/Top/Right)”.
    Only strange thing about my configuration is a dual 24″ monitor.


    #266271 Reply


    Actually mine says “Read Me Trim (bottom)”: sorry. What in the world… I can’t imagine why only two people are seeing this.

    #266382 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Brad and Frans,

    I had asked earlier, but perhaps you missed my questions.

    1) Have you installed any other plugins besides MyEclipse?
    2) Were either of you able to do anything to get rid of this?
    3) Try using File > Switch Workspace to switch to a temporary workspace (you can switch back later) and see if that helps.
    4) Examine the setting sunder Window > Preferences > General > Appearance – try hitting “Restore Defaults” there.

    Hope this helps.

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