
"Maven package" missing from "Run As" me

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  3. Maven for MyEclipse (Maven4MyEclipse)
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  • #320863 Reply

    Todd Kofford

    I just upgraded to MyEclipse 10 today, and discovered that a command that I use very frequently has now disappeared from the “Run As” popup menu of the project. It is the “Maven package” menu option that has existed for as long as I can remember.

    How do I get that option back in my “Run As” menu?

    [email protected]

    #320888 Reply


    tkofford ,

    Our Maven support is based on M2Eclipse , which has changed in this respect. Here is the link to it :

    You can give the workaround mentioned in the bug report a try. I am afraid we cannot help any further in this case.

    Hope this helps.

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