
Project X is missing required library [Closed]

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  • #214538 Reply

    Bill Winspur

    I have just upgraded to eclipse 3.0.0 and pointed it at the workspace I developed under eclipse 2.x. I have not installed my copy of myEclipse 2.6.4, because the install calls for eclipse 2.1, and I assume I need to upgrade to the latest myEclipse.

    My problem is that one of my projects that was built by myEclipse 2.6.4, now produces error lines of the form:
    ‘Project X is missing required library: ‘C:ProgramFiles/MyEclipse/eclipse/plugins/com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_2.6.200/data/libraryset/1.3/activation.jar’

    I can not use my other plugins on the files in this project until the problem is resolved.

    How can I remove from my project, the expectation that the genuitec jar files should be present, until such time as I upgrade to a 3.0.0 compatible version of myEclipse?


    #214541 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    You simply need to go to your Java Build Path settings and remove the J2EE library container from the project classpath.

    However, in order to ease your migration, I’d suggest that you install Eclipse 3.0 and MyEclipse 3.8.1 in parallel to your existing Eclipse 2.1 installation and then duplicate your workspace and use the duplicate with the new Eclipse 3.0-based configuration. This will allow you to work through any Eclipse 2.1 to 3.0 migration issues without impacting your day-to-day work.

    #214550 Reply

    Bill Winspur

    Thanks Scott,

    I installed 3.8.1 on 3.0, picked the Project|clean… menu item, and my problems went away.


    #214551 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Glad to hear it

    #295373 Reply


    I am running into this often now. I add a jar file to my class path … copy it to a directory under my project and then add it via properties buldpath->libraries.

    Sometimes it doesn’t show in the libraries tab … sometimes the project doesn’t compile and complain that the library is not found.

    The question is: If myeclipse complain that it is missing a library. Where can I go to remove that library from the buildpath? Because I have removed that library from the project and can’t see it in the libraries tab under properties.

    Incidentally the library i tried to add is je22.jar. But this happened with swing classes before …

    #296746 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Opening the project properties and going to Java Build Path > Libraries is exactly the right spot to add/remove libraries.

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