
Problems with Matisse in version 10

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  • #348745 Reply

    Alejandro Barrero

    I cannot drag Sing components. It is terrible; I have important applications that use Matisse.
    How can I download version 9.

    #348764 Reply


    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you please share some more information to help us investigate further :
    1) Can you please share your MyEclipse installation details from MyEclipse > Installation summary > Installation details ?
    2) Can you please clarify which template you have selected while creating a Matisse form ?
    3) Can you please switch to a new workspace, create a web project, create a new matisse form and check if you can replicate the issue ?
    4) Clear the contents of the .log file located at <Workspace dir>,.metadata/.log file, replicate the issue and attach the .log file if there are any errors of interest.

    Regarding MyEclipse 9 download link, all the requests for previous releases are handled by our sales team to ensure your complete satisfaction. Please send an email to [email protected] and they will be able to assist you. Be sure to include your name, subscription id, subscription code, MyEclipse version desired, and operating system so they can provide the correct download link without delay.

    #348787 Reply


    I’ve had my fair share of problems with Matisse. Rather than changing the MyEclipse version I suggest you solve the Matisse problem.

    Usually a look into the Matisse log gives you an insight about what’s wrong in your components and from that you get the idea about how to fix it.

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