
Problem when deploy a project with tomcat 5.5.4

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  • #222766 Reply


    Hello ,

    with tomcat 5.5.4 when i deploy a webProject all is ok if tomcat is down , but if tomcat run MyEclipse can’t deploy the application :
    ” Undeployment failure on Tomcat 5. File D:\Programmi\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\xxxx\WEB-INF\lib\jsf-impl.jar unable to be deleted. If a file is locked, you can wait …..”

    MyEclipse Application Server Tooling
    Version: 3.8.3
    Build id: 200412061200-3.8.3.

    Tks. Bye

    #222775 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m not sure what your question is but the error is pretty clear, Tomcat has a read-lock on the JAR file (in this case jsf-impl.jar) and NTFS will not allow a file to be deleted while open read locks exist on it.

    Keep in mind that MyEclipse does do hot deployment for you, so if you are using an exploded deployment (it looks like you are) then every time you change a file in your project, it is pushed out to Tomcat automatically. Just make sure to setup your web context (“xxxx” in this case) to reload changed files and then you won’t need to redeploy all the time. Check the Tomcat docs on how to do that.

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