
Problem refactoring project name – sync with "context&q

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  • #278381 Reply

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    #278388 Reply

    Loyal Water

    This message has not been recovered.

    #278456 Reply

    Thanks, “refactor/rename project followed by setting the root context in Web properties” solves the problem of keeping the project context name in sync with the context initialized by the launch of Tomcat”. However, it does not remove the extraneous Context Initializations in Tomcat. My previous posts showed two such contexts being initialized, after renaming/reconfiguring I now have 3 contexts being initialized. I also have the problem that after starting Tomcat a few times I am getting an “Out of resources” message so it appears there is a memory leak somewhere and I am wondering if this is caused by unused Contexts being initialized and not cleaned up?

    #278483 Reply

    Loyal Water

    You said you removed the JSFTrial project. Does the deployment for project still exist under Tomcat/webapps ? I guess that is causing the problem here.

    Also, you said you have 3 contexts being initialized.. I would suggest you remove the deployment and then redeploy after changing the context root. I think renaming and rerunning the project is adding more and more deployments to Tomcat.

    Let me know if the problem persists.

    #278522 Reply

    I checked the Servers configuration and there is only one deployment. I removed that deployment changed the context root and redeployed but I still get 3 contexts being initialized. So I manually checked the exploded folder where Tomcat is launching the contexts …Projects\Eclipse 6.0 Workspace\.metadata\.plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.tomcat.myeclipse\tomcat\webapps. When the other projects were deleted the exploded deployment folders under webapps were not removed.

    #278524 Reply

    Loyal Water

    When the other projects were deleted the exploded deployment folders under webapps were not removed.

    When a project is deleted, the deployment folder under webapps gets removed automatically.

    I removed that deployment changed the context root and redeployed but I still get 3 contexts being initialized.

    Changing the context root should not add more contexts.

    I think your worksace is corrupt. Can you swtich to a new workspace and try this again.

    Let me know if the problem persists.

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