
Prefs: Turn off preview for JSP editor

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  • #235933 Reply


    Not sure if this is the correct forum, but here goes.

    I am using Eclipse 3.1 final with ME 4.0 GA (yay!) under Fedora Core 4 and JDK 1.5.0_03. I find that a given JSP page takes 2-6 seconds to open on a project that has about 300 JSPs. There is no background compilation going on at the time, nor are there any background tasks running on the machine. I would like to know if I can turn off the preview tab and associated functionality in the editor. Would doing so make the editor open up faster? The preview seems to be almost useless in my environment, perhaps because 99% of all layout, coloring, style, etc is done in CSS rather than coded explicitly in the JSP.


    #235938 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    There’s currently not a preference to turn off the preview pane, but it’s an interesting idea. I don’t think it would make a huge difference in the file opening speed. We’ve looked at that and most of it is taken up peroforming the initial syntax analysis of the page and parsing / installing all the contextual completions for tag libraries and the like. It’s actually quite a lot of work. 🙂 Additionally, you may notice that the first JSP opens slower than others since the plugins are lazily loaded and initialized by the environment.

    #235939 Reply


    In further experimentation I have found that CPU usage goes to 100% right after opening a JSP and stays at 100% for about 15 seconds. This is LONG after the JSP editor appears; the editor opens in a few seconds and I can start editing as soon as it’s done opening. The CPU at 100% -does- make editing/saving etc very slow.

    If I make a change to the JSP file, the CPU usage will spike again. It seems to start when I end a tag, not simply as soon as I start typing. If I add an attribute to an existing tag, the CPU usage stays low. As soon as I add a new tag, it spikes. It doesn’t matter if I save the file or not.

    If I open the same JSP in the “classic editor” I do not have any problems with CPU usage going to 100%.

    My desktop machine is a 3GHz machine with 2GB of RAM. Eclipse is starting with:
    /opt/eclipse/eclipse -vmargs -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote

    #235943 Reply


    Yes, the first page is a little slower, but after that, all pages seem to load in about 2 seconds (if I work around the CPU usage problems I noted above).

    #235948 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    How big is your page that you are editing? 100s of lines? 1000s of lines? Is it a tag-heavy page? (taglibs)

    #235951 Reply


    I have this problem with both Struts pages and JSF pages (two different projects in two different workspaces). The pages are between 75 and 150 lines each. The Struts page is about 50/50 HTML and Struts custom tags. The JSF page is almost all JSF tags.

    #235952 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hmm our test cases that we did performance tuning with were much bigger than that, I will file a bug that we need to look into this again, in the mean time sorry for the trouble.

    Any idea if the behavior changes with different JDKs?

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