
porlet tags confuses JSP visual designer

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  • #265699 Reply


    I’m doing portlet development and I noticed that that portlet tags are not
    swallowed properly. I.e.:

     <a href="<portlet:renderURL>
              <portlet:param name="action" value="listMessages"/>
              <portlet:param name="folder" value="inbox"/>
            </portlet:renderURL>" style="border-left: 1px solid black">Inbox</a>

    shows up as

    " style="border-left: 1px solid black">Inbox

    in both the JSP visual designer and the Web 2.0 browser.

    #265745 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Uh oh, we’ll take a look at this.

    What portlet library are you using in your project for those taglibs so I can re-create a sample project on my end for a bug report?

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