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  • #240027 Reply


    I find myself in need of a PHP IDE and, after doing a google search, found a couple that use Eclipse as their base. I was wondering if you have any plans to add PHP capabilities; if so, when; and what would you recommend in the meantime?

    I am asking because I would not want to add something that would interfere with MyEclipse. Nor would I want to add something unnescesary if PHP is in MyEclipses near future.


    #240052 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We don’t plan on supporting PHP since we are a J2EE tool developer, however there is quite a good Eclipse PHP plugin called PHP Eclipse: http://www.phpeclipse.de/tiki-view_articles.php

    #241179 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    I’ve been tinkering with the PHP Eclipse tool. It’s still got a little way to go.. it’s got some quirks, but overall it’s very well done. It also seems to behave nicely along side a MyEclipse 4.03 installation.

    #246605 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    We don’t plan on supporting PHP since we are a J2EE tool developer, however there is quite a good Eclipse PHP plugin called PHP Eclipse: http://www.phpeclipse.de/tiki-view_articles.php

    With all due respect then please refrain from the following emails. Granted your business plan could have changed in the month between your response to this post and the email below but I wanted to make you aware of email feedback and what exists in the forums is not in sync. I just purchased the pro version (not for PHP but for the dbase, javascript and wysiwyg HTML designer) today as the price was reasonable (compared to what I spent on VS.NET 2003) and am enjoying it.

    From: masri_[protected]@[protected].com
    Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 1:55 PM


    We appreciate your consideration for MyEclipse.

    MyEclipse 4.0.3 should already provide a database explore, ERD visualization
    and an SQL editor. Release 4.1 (Mid December delivery) will add significant
    JavaScript development capabilities including the 1st Eclipse Based JS
    debugger and many AJAX features.

    PHP support is on our long-term road map and will likely tackle in 2006.

    You should take advantage of our 30-day free trial offer and try MyEclipse
    in your environment. The trial period should apply to 4.1 GA when released.

    Best Regards

    MyEclipse Subscription Services
    [email protected]
    T (+1) 888-267-4176 X 703
    F (+1) 214-853-4284

    #246620 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’ll double check with subscriptions to see what info they have, it’s entirely likely they know more than I do about the future roadmap.

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