
MyEclipse Blue 6.5 won’t install from backup image

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  • #299766 Reply


    Any solution on this? We are now getting this behavior. Have installed/re-installed pulse. No luck.

    #299769 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Since you posted to the end of a long thread with lots of different voices in it I split your question out just so we can be sure we’re solving the right problem.

    Can you explain exactly what you’re trying to install / upgrade on what platform as well as what you’re currently seeing? For example, if you’re really trying to install MyEclipse 7.0M2, as was the topic of the thread you added on to, that simply isn’t going to work any longer and you’ll need to download one of the MyEclipse 7.5 installers. The easiest way to get up and running is to try one of the “all-in-one” installers from that download page. Can you try one of them and let us know how that goes?

    #299775 Reply


    We are using an installer. Basically trying to install an image we have of MEB 6.5, and as soon as the installer runs we get the error “Feature Transfer Error” “Catrastrophic Failure”, on WinXP SP3. Nothing is written to the install.log file. We ~think~ we may have figured it out. The machine we ordered only came with 512M of RAMM, instead of 2G which what it should have had. We ran this install just a month ago, (on a machine with correct amount of RAMM) and it ran fine…


    #299782 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    That makes sense; 512M of RAM will definitely be a problem. I think you’re right on that one.

    #299791 Reply


    Bad News: Bumping the machine to 2G didn’t solve it……….have also installed pulse, but we do not use that. Can someone please tell me what the installer does, or do I have to do a binary edit and figure (hack) it myself….

    This install just ran a month ago on another WinXP machine, FINE. 🙁

    Am guessing it may be an SP3 thing????? Tried installing JDK 1.5.0_10, JDK1.6 JAVA_HOME is set accordingly, as well. User is local admin…No luck…. Gee, maybe we should just get rid of XP. Don’t I wish! Time for another………..


    #299800 Reply



    Are you behind a firewall or proxy? What is the exact error? Can you send us some screenshot? Also can you locate pulse2.properties file, you can look here ~\Genuitec\Common\configuration\pulse2.properties, copy and paste your pulse.handshake.id here for me?

    In case you are not able to attach screenshot here, can you send a mail to [email protected], please refer this thread and provide your pulse.handshake.id and add ATTN:Joy in the subject? This will help in easy tracking.

    Sorry for the inconvinience.

    #299805 Reply



    Thanks for your help!

    Yes we are behind a firewall proxy, the user has access and can surf the web fine, etc.

    I do not have the laptop with me at this time, and when the user comes in will try it again and email/paste a screen shot, and the handshake.id.


    #299815 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    One other thing to check, to see if the image you’re using might be the issue, is to see if a freshly downloaded copy of MEB installs. You can still download MEB 6.6 from the website and that would be a good way to see if this issue is caused by “environment, installer, or image”.

    #299820 Reply


    Scott: Thanks for the response. We did get 6.6 installed via pulse, and that worked, as did 7.5. We really, really need to get to 6.5

    Joy: I’ve sent you an email to the support email address you mentioned.


    #299843 Reply



    Thanks we have recieved your mail. Scott has replied to you with link to 6.5 install. Let me know if this works for you.

    #299866 Reply



    Can you please send me links to a 6.5.0GA installer and a 6.6.0 Build id: 6.6.0-Blue-20081015
    Installer? I need to re-base our images, and want to start clean!

    Thanks In Advance!


    #299877 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I sent the links via email.

    #299892 Reply


    Scott, Joy:

    Please see email………I’ve pulled down the following installers and tried, and am getting the same error with EACH of them.

    This is on the user’s laptop. Am in the process of copying these 4 files to 2 test boxes, that I’ve had setup; One with SP2 the other with SP3…..



    #299896 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I replied via email. However, since this issue is very specific to your installation and its interaction with InstallShield, let’s continue the conversation via the email exchange we’ve already got going on. That should be simpler and prevent the dual efforts in the cross-postings.

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