
my bug/wish list

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  • #198912 Reply

    Ivar Vasara

    – jsp editor doesn’t detect if the file underneath has changed, and offer to save changes or load from disk
    – really slow to load JSPs
    – doesn’t parse editor tasks eg: TODO, etc.
    – breakpoints in JSPs don’t have any effect (using customized tags, I want to descend into the tagclass…)
    – context menu is weak , right clicking doesn’t offer anything.. some ideas
    – jsp code formatter/validator (ie: html tidy with support for JSP syntax)
    – open Declaration for tag opens tag support class
    – jsp comment hotkey

    #198917 Reply


    We appreciate this feedback. I took the liberty to move this thread to the Enhancement forum.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198932 Reply

    @ivar wrote:

    – breakpoints in JSPs don’t have any effect (using customized tags, I want to descend into the tagclass…)

    FYI, set the breakpoint in your java class file, it may not break in the page, but it will in the class.

    #198957 Reply

    Ivar Vasara

    @Nogardtla wrote:

    FYI, set the breakpoint in your java class file, it may not break in the page, but it will in the class.

    yeah, I’ve been doing that but it can be a pain if a tag is used multiple times in a page (or in a loop..)

    I’ve since realized that I haven’t set up a “myeclipse web project” ( instead I’m just using the default project settings with a main class being a Jetty instance – so I can do local debugging) I might be missing out on some myeclipse features. Once I finish my current project, I’ll put some more time into this and have a more informed set of criticisms..

    I’ve been quite happy with myeclipse so far, it’s a great deal for $30.

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