
Mixing blue with bling?

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  • #323744 Reply

    Udo Held


    it seems like you did some fixes in MyEclipse Blue and offer version 10.0.2.

    We are currently using bling and there seem to be no updates and we ran into different issues: https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/fix-estimate-for-bling/&highlight=#128698

    Is it possible to use the newer Blue edition together with the extended Spring features?

    Kind regards

    #323762 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Other than the first issue you reported in your other thread (classloading policy) the other issues have been fixed. The first problem is still being investigated. These fixes are not in 10.0.2, they are only part of the 10.1 release which is now a couple of weeks away.

    As far as 10.0.2 is concerned:
    Even with your Bling install, you should see the updates to 10.0.2 if you check for them in the MyEclipse configuration center (these updates were made only to the MyEclipse components of the product).

    You can also install Blue directly and from the dashboard tab in the configuration center, you can choose to install MyEclipse for Spring. However, as noted above, your existing Bling install should show you updates to 10.0.2 as well.

    #323765 Reply

    Udo Held

    Thanks for your feedback. Indeed a “MyEclipse Blue” update for 10.0.2 shows up. I was considering mixing the the dev stream with Bling, but that seems to be unnecessary.

    I’m somewhat missing a public tracker of what is fixed and what isn’t.

    Kind regards

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