
Migration to/from RAD

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  • #293745 Reply


    This may have been discussed already but I could not find it… I am using myeclipse blue (very nice) working on projects where other users are using RAD. While it would be nice if everyone converted to Blue that is not going to happen. So in a “mixed” environment I may need to migrate from RAD and also migrate back to RAD (for other users). Is this supported, possible?

    Also my migration tool is grayed out probably need to turn on a feature.

    Thanks in advance,

    #293774 Reply

    Loyal Water

    We don’t have a tool for converting ME projects to RAD compatible projects but the other way round is supported:-

    #293776 Reply



    Thank you but I had seen that document, just hoping there might be a way for MyEclipse Blue and RAD to coexist in larger environments without keeping two copies of projects. A strategy for this would be really helpful, please consider this a feature request

    #293792 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I’ll make a note of this as a feature request. Thank you for your feedback.

    #294816 Reply


    I think that’s a pipe dream. Different versions of RAD/WSAD don’t even coexist.

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