
ME 2015: context deployer not working

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  • #351947 Reply


    When deploying my app to jetty 7 server,
    the files are deployed correctly to ~/Server/webapps directory, but context file is not created in ~/Server/contexts/

    when using ME 2014 with same server and same app, on deploy it creates:


    I have tried checking “Use context deployer” from jetty config. It doesn’t seem to make a difference if it’s checked or un checked.

    What controls the contexts file from being generated on deployment to jetty7 server? am I missing an option here?

    The setup is the same in 2014 and it works there, but not in 2015

    #351954 Reply


    Thanks for reporting this. We could replicate the issue at our end. I have filed a bug report for the dev team to investigate this issue.

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    #351961 Reply


    thank you, I hope it gets resolved soon.
    are there any workarounds for the time being?

    #351976 Reply


    I’m afraid there is no workaround for now. Our dev team is working on the fix for this issue and the fix will be out in the next MyEclipse 2015 CI update, which will be out soon.

    I will keep you posted when the fix is released.

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    #352028 Reply


    The fix for the issue was out with our MyEclipse 2015 CI 6 release.

    Let us know if you see any issues.

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