
Maven2 Weblogic 10 and dependent projects

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  • #278536 Reply


    Hi I have MyEclipse 6.0 WLS 10 running and its kind of fine, however I have a dependent project/jar in my main project and I can only pick up changes from the dependent project if the project is closed on eclipse and maven reinstalled. If the project is open then it still uses the jar in the repository. This is obviously a pain if I make changes to my dependent project I have to open the project make the changes maven install then close the project and redeploy my main project. I’ve attached the image of the build path when the project is open, you can see it looks like it should be reading the new code, when the project is closed there is just a entry for the jar. Can anyone help ??

    #278539 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Why dont you go to Properties > Project references and add the dependent project with the jars as a reference there ? Then depending on the deployment policy you set for the project, the dependent project changes would be handled automatically.

    #278541 Reply


    Hi Thanks for the reply, unfortunately it still wont deploy if the project is open. (I need to have it as a dependency in the pom for our build) If the project is closed its fine if its open I get the following

    I guess its more of how MyEclipse and the maven plugin handles open projects. Any ideas?

    #278553 Reply

    Loyal Water

    The maven plugin is still not supported by MyEclipse and I guess thats the problem here. The plugin is messing up the way MyEclipse handles exploded deployment.

    If you work with dependent projects without the maven plugin, are you able to deploy your project sucessfully ?

    #278562 Reply


    Any idea when this will be fixed I’m having to go back to using vanilla eclipse with WTP to work in a timely manner until this is fixed, even though we obviously pay for MyEclipse. I’m a long happy user of MyEclipse, hopefully this will continue when this is addressed.

    #278579 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Maven support is already being considered. There are a lot of users requesting for this particular feature. I dont have a committed date for you right now but ill get back to you with a date as soon as I have one.

    #283322 Reply


    I am in favor Maven support as well. If I create a webapp project using Maven the MyEclipse plugin doesn’t even recognize it as a webapp to add to deployment!

    #283323 Reply


    I am in favor Maven support as well. If I create a webapp project using Maven the MyEclipse plugin doesn’t even recognize it as a webapp to add to deployment!

    #283670 Reply

    Michael Laccetti

    This message has not been recovered.

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