
Launch web project into browser [Enhancement]

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  • #201654 Reply


    This may seem like a pretty minor request but it makes life a bit easier and is so easy to do using the in-built browser adapters.

    The only problem is you’d probably have to have an optional port field on your Application Server preference pages to allow you to set the port (and possibly host) that the web server is running on because you won’t be able to query the server to found out.



    PS: I’ll gladly contribute my code if you want.
    PPS: Like the recent release candidate, I can now use MyEclipse without my dial-up connection initiating!

    #201659 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Joss is this generic Java open-default-web-browser code or Eclipse plugin-specific code? I’m sure the ME dev team would welcome any donations that save them time, please email any code you want to donate to [email protected] with a description of what you are donating it for and in which way you hope its integrated. We can evaluate the code more closely and start a dialog with you if necessary about integrating it.

    I can’t promise anything because ultimately changes to the code base and adopted code is up to the higher ups.

    #201671 Reply


    Hi Joss,

    This is an open enhancement request that we have planned to implement. I’m very interested in your ideas and any code contributions that you feel will more quickly get this feature into the product base. Drop me a note at [email protected].



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