I’m trying to install the Jupiter Plug-in using the Help | Software Updates | Find and Install” feature. I get the dialoge that askes for the New Update Site. I type in Jupiter Update Site for the name and for the URL. However, when I selete it in the search results I get an error that says:
Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the requested operation and more errors would be introduced. See details for more information.
—– Current configuration problems —–
Resulting configuration does not contain the platform.
—– Configuration problems after the operation —–
Resulting configuration does not contain the platform.
Jupiter for Eclipse 3.x stream (2.2.706.3x) requires plug-in “org.eclipse.ui.ide”.
When I look in my plug-in directory in eclipse I found a file that is named org.eclipse.ui.ide_3.0.0.
Does anybody have any ideas as to what could be wrong?
Thank you in advance.
Jeff Sulman