
JSP Tag LIbrary Support

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  • #196912 Reply

    Tom Cole

    Is there a plan to include support for Tag Libraries within the Enterprise Workbench? Having the ability to add a New/J2ee/Web/Tag (which would extend TagSupport) and have it automatically update a .TLD file (like the servlets do the web.xml file) would be like nailing the lid on the coffin…To date it’s the only J2EE element I use often that has no support within your Enterprise Workbench. 😥

    Other than that, fantastic product. It reduced my overall learning curve dramatically on J2EE applications! 😀 ❗

    #196913 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    A tag wizard is a very interesting idea. I’ve added it to our internal enhancement request database.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Other than that, fantastic product. It reduced my overall learning curve dramatically on J2EE applications!

    Now that’s what we like to hear! Wait until you see Tuesday’s GA release. It’s miles past EA2. 🙂

    MyEclipse Support

    #197631 Reply


    I second that for tag library support!!!

    #197633 Reply

    Eric Glass

    I today tried the XDoclet feature of MyEclipse with a Web module and the webdoclet subtask.

    I love this new feature of MyEclipse, it Rocks!

    I was able to add XDoclet @web tags to my servlet java source and my custom tag java source.

    Now when I run the MyEclipse XDoclet process it generates the web.xml and the .tld file for me.

    I had to set up a merge folder with the appropriate files, so that the Taglib mapping and the welcome file list would be merged in at generation time.

    Let me know if you would like an example.


    #197634 Reply

    Tom Cole

    An example would be smashing..I have no experience with XDoclet.

    #197637 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I’d second that request from ‘tcole6’ for a good example. Truthfully, every time our team writes docs it takes us away from new features. They’re both really important, so if you could help us out with a good example we’d be glad to post it on the site / integrate it into the help system. Anyone who wants to help us out letting everyone know how all this cools stuff works would be greatly appreciated!

    MyEclipse Support

    #197666 Reply

    Eric Glass

    Hi Scott,

    I have sent a file containing a tutorial to [email protected].

    I hope that this tutorial can be published and help others to fully utilize the MyEclipse XDoclet feature.

    I plan to utilize this feature as far as I can, not just for Servlets, JSP custom tags, & EJBs, but also I am planning to look into using it for Web Services and JDO to name a few.

    I recommend MyEclipse to everyone I talk to, it is a great alternative to IBM WSAD. You can not beat the cost!


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