
JSP Editor stops accepting keyboard input

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  • #221213 Reply

    Eclipse 3.0.1
    MyEclipseIDE 3.8.3
    Windows XP sp1
    JRE 1.4.2_04-b05

    After indenting/outdenting large blocks of text in the JSP editor the editor window stops accepting keyboard input. You can still mouse around in the window selecting text and such, but no keyboard input gets thru.

    Closing the editor window and reopening it solves the problem.

    This behavior was exhibited by 3.8.2 as well.


    #221253 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Please create a test project that exhibits this problem, then File > Export > Zip and send it to [email protected] ATTN Riyad with a reference to this thread. Also please let me know how to reproduce the problem (tell me to intendent 20x and outdent 20x for example).

    #222253 Reply

    Any status on this? Did you guys get what I sent you?

    #222263 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    We’re working on a number of JSP issues right now, but I don’t find any emails from your portal email address of record. Can you verify the email address you have registered and let me know (via private forum post) if there’s a different email address you might have used to send the example?

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