
JSP editor doesn’t recognise my tags

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  • #218749 Reply



    I have a JSP file that doesn’t recognise my tags. I get those yellow underlines.

    <%@ taglib uri=”taglib” prefix=”ml” %>
    <ml:msg key=”field.name”/>

    On the second line it says: Unknown tag (ml:msg)
    It doesn’t give any errors about the taglib not being found (I checked by referencing it wrong on purpose; it gave an error).

    In the web.xml the taglib-uri is referenced and the location to the corresponding .tld is set. If I reference the .tld directly in the .jsp, nothing changes.

    The .jar that contains the tagclasses is included in the build path. (does code completion itself even need this jar? I would think knowing which tags are used should be enough…)

    Although everything works when deployed, I can’t use the code completion this way.

    Thank you in advance,


    #218777 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You said that the web.xml <Taglib> entries are there… can you tell me what they are exactly? (copy-paste)

    #218827 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    You said that the web.xml <Taglib> entries are there… can you tell me what they are exactly? (copy-paste)

    Here it is:


    But can this really be the problem, since I also mentioned that I don’t get an error about the taglib not being found?

    #218845 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you able to create a small sample project that exhibits this problem, Export it to a Zip and email it to [email protected] with a reference to this thread and ATTN: Riyad so I can look at it?

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