
JSP editor: bad behavoir when include another jsp

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  • #207971 Reply

    env: eclipse30RC1 + myeclipse

    I have a jsp:include like that:

    <jsp:include page=”/jsp/panels/TSPanel.jsp” flush=”true” >
    <jsp:param name=”aT” value=”<%= dialogBean.getAT() %>” />
    <jsp:param name=”sC” value=”<%=db.getSortColumn() %>” />

    db.getSortColumn() is of type int.

    This jsp compile in any jsp container but myeclipse reports errors :
    The method setAttribute(String, Object) in the type ServletRequest is not applicable for the arguments (String, int). BUT hey, i am working with that syntax in oter ide without problems.

    The jasper copiles ok that jsp.

    #208019 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If tomcat is compiling this correctly, then try and remove our “J2EE Library Set” from your build path, and manually add the jsp-api.jar and servlet-api.jar files from Tomcat’s install. This will cause MyEclipse to compile against the same JARs that Tomcat is using.

    #208060 Reply

    No Operation

    dunno why other accepts your method, coz the spec states:

    JSP. Conversions from request-time expressions
    Request-time expressions can be assigned to properties of any type. In the
    case of scriptlet expressions, no automatic conversions will be performed.

    Simple workaround:

    <jsp:include page="/jsp/panels/TSPanel.jsp" flush="true" >
    <jsp:param name="aT" value="<%= dialogBean.getAT() %>" />
    <jsp:param name="sC" value='<%=""+db.getSortColumn() %>' />


    #208227 Reply

    Sure, I know this workaround from start but I had to many jsp to modify. I hope “support-rkalla” method wil work

    #208247 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Did it work?

    #208747 Reply

    No, did not work.

    I deleted J2EE Library Set and added my tomcat libraries but the problem remained the same.

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