
JSP Debugging

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  • #233621 Reply


    I have read many threads on this topic and none have helped.

    I’m running MyEclipse Version3.8.4+QF2-BetaFor3.1M6 with WebLogic 7.0.6 and JDK 1.4.2_07 on Windows XP.

    I’m trying to debug JSPs and the system does not stop at the breakpoint in the JSP. I implemented the weblogic.xml file as noted below.

    any suggestions?


    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC “-//BEA
    Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 7.0//EN”
    <description>WebLogic Descriptor</description>

    #233623 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    My first suggestion is to ditch that old release of Eclipse and download Eclipse 3.1 GA and MyEclispe 4.0 Milestone 2 for Eclipse 3.1.

    Secondly, what JDK are you using to actually run WebLogic?

    #233626 Reply


    ok, i’ll try the upgrade. the last threads noted even older version of each so i anticipated no issues.

    i tried the JDK that came with weblogic, 1.3 and also 1.4, neither worked. i’m setting that up in Preferences / MyEclipse / Application Server / Weblogic 7 / JDK

    #233639 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Using 1.3 to run WebLogic is a known issue, we suggest 1.4.1 to actually run the App server while using 1.4.2_08 or 1.5.0_04 to run Eclipse (you use the -vm argument for Eclipse and point directly at the javaw.exe file)

    #233782 Reply


    I decided to go for the upgrade and am now a bit disgruntled. I couldn’t simply install the upgrades over the existing implementations of Eclipse and MyEclipse. I had to uninstall them both and then install new. With that I also had to reconfigure MyEclipse to the weblogic and JDK implementations. In itself not that time consuming, more of an annoyance.

    As I had anticipated, the JSP debugging did not work. I found it confusing how an email thread from a year plus ago noted it would work yet I had to upgrade first.

    I’ll continuie different combinations of the JDK to see if I can get it working. With the JDK of 1.3.x in the production environment, I can’t compile with 1.4. It has to be 1.3. any other suggestions would be appreciated.

    maybe I’m out of luck?

    #233802 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    For JSP debugging you will need to use 1.4.1 to run WebLogic, there was a serious issue with the debugger in 1.3 that kept it from working correctly.

    #233825 Reply


    i sent the JRE to j2sdk1.4.2_07 along with configuring Weblogic 7 to this JDK also. i then set a breakpoint within a scriplet in JSP. starting the web app and loading the page, the breakpoint was not hit. page displayed fine.

    #233852 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    That file has to go in WEB-INF/weblogic.xml, not META-INF in order to enable debugging.

    #233854 Reply


    that was it! thanks!

    i thought it was odd that META-INF was noted in a prior email thread.

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