
JSF newbie problems.

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  • #271540 Reply

    Mike Grommet

    FIrst, I should say I’m quite the newbie with JSF — but wanting to play with the tech.

    I’ve created a a new Web project, J2EE 1.4, and I’ve used the option to add JSTL 1.1 libraries to WEB-INF/lib

    I then create a new JSP file under WebRoot, and put the taglib statement in for JSTL 1.1

    <%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core&#8221; prefix=”f” %>

    So far so good…

    Now, in the body of the jsp, I try to do a

    <f:view> tag and the IDE will have nothing of it 🙂

    WIth the code helper f: prefix, I can see other core members, like catch, choose,forEach, etc, but not view — and since the view tag seems to be required as the root, I’m not sure I have things set up correctly.

    I’m sorry if this is a silly question — I just can’t seem to find an explanation


    #271564 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Just a simple mix-up… JSF has it’s own set of tags, one of them is “view”… JSTL is a generic set of utility tags, “view” does not belong to JSTL.

    I’d suggest walking through our JSF Tutorial in our Educational Material section to get an idea of what a simple JSF app looks like.

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