
java EE perspective/java EE module dependencies

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  • #333192 Reply


    We are trying to import jar’s into an Enterprise Application Project. RAD uses a window/feature called Java EE Module Dependencies(see attached screen print) and Eclipse uses http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.jst.j2ee.doc.user%2Ftopics%2Ftjimpapp.html methodology. Again, we just want to import client specific jar’s into the root of the Enterprise Application Project. We can do this w/the import but these other methodologies appear to be quicker and cleaner. What is MyEclipse’s alternative as I tried a utility project and that didn’t appear to be any cleaner then just importing the files. If we do have to import the files, can we just import a folder containing the JAR’s and expect it to work?

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    #333241 Reply



    Thank you for the screenshot.

    We will support WTP-style JAR import in MyEclipse version 11. However, what it does, is that it just copies those file into the root or lib folder of an EAR. You can just select JARs in Windows Explorer, CTRL+C, then select EAR project in MyEclipse and press CTRL+V to copy the jars.

    Let us know if you have any further questions.

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