
jars leaking from dependent projects in classpath

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  • #217952 Reply

    I have a set of related projects. One project has an external JAR file that is <b>not</b> listed for export. Another project depends on the first. This jar file is needed by a unit test in the first project, but is not appropriate for use in the second project.

    Nevertheless, the jar appears on the classpath for running and debugging the dependent project. I’m running eclipse 3.0.1 with myeclipse.

    #217964 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you saying that when you deploy your dependent app, the JAR from the first project that is used for the unit test is being deployed as well? Have you double checked your deployment rules in your MyEclipse-Web settings for your project and also made sure you haven’t accidentally added anything to your connector’s classpath under the “Paths” settings?

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