
Inter-project dependency resolution

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  • #198186 Reply


    A few months ago (possibly two), I mentioned the need for what I’m calling ‘inter-project dependency resultion’. I’m defining this as a JSP/Web project needing the libraries and output of another Eclipse project (most frequently a project to define a taglib).

    At the time, it was recomemded to me that I ‘export’ my taglib project into my JSP project, and every time I made a change, export again. The problems I had at the time concerning the work-around was the manual step (my JSP project depends on three other libraries, so updating/exporting things can get cumbersom) plus this solution didn’t deliver the libraries for these dependencies (i.e.: I need the class files for the library, plus the libraries to build/run the library). It was also mentioned at the time that inter-project dependencies were going to be addressed in a future (soon) version.

    Since this time, 2.5, 2.51 and 2.6 have been released, but none of the announcements have mentioned anything about dependency resolution.

    What is the intended time-frame for implementing/releasing a feature that can resolve inter-project dependnecies? The lack of this feature is probably the biggest deterent from me purchasing a subscription.

    Otherwise, great project!!

    #198190 Reply


    We definitely understand the need for dependent projects and its at the top of our new feature list. Development is working on it now. I can not commit to a timeframe yet but expect it in the next month or two because of its importance.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199079 Reply


    I have the same problem…One “resource” project (generic JSPs, CSS, etc.) and Three or more “jar” projects that must be merged (packaged in JARs or exploded) into a main WAR project….

    Is there any good news here?

    #199081 Reply


    Good news = dependent projects are coming
    Bad news = it’s not available now; it’s still be developed

    MyEclipse Support

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