
HTML Tag Groups

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  • #228004 Reply


    Hi Guys,

    Sorry if someone has already raised this. Something I have noticed about the HTML syntax highlighting is that “tags” can only be assigned 1 colour as a group.

    The main part this is a little different to what I am used to in DMX, is that form tags are normally coloured differently to standard tags. When you are searching for forms and form elements in a HTML or JSP, it is useful that they stand out from the rest of the markup.

    An extensible way to handle this would be to allow users to create tag groups that can be coloured and have presets already done. These would just be lists of tags that get assigned 1 colour. I could add/remove as I please into a Form Tags group.

    Hope you see what I am getting at, and I hope I did not miss this if it already exists .. I could not see it under HTML/JSP Editor in Window Preferences!

    Cheers, ADC 🙂

    #228084 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is on our TODO list as we agree it is a little confusing. We are looking into JSP enhancements for the 5.0 release (not too far off, late August timeframe) as 4.0 is going to be a huge release and we will need there rest of the 4 series to address user requirements and flesh out our new tools. Then 5.0 will be another huge jump forward.

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