
HTML formatting

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  • #351082 Reply

    Tony Herstell

    can some work be done to improve the formatter for HTML.

    With the explosion of AngularJS (and others) then we need to offer the ability to clean up the HTML a lot more…

    For example:

     <accordion close-others="false">
        <accordion-group is-open="meisopen">

    Get reformatted all on one line!

        ng-class="{'glyphicon-chevron-down': meisopen, 'glyphicon-chevron-right': !meisopen}"></i> </accordion-heading> <a x-ng-href="#/login" ng-hide="isLoggedIn()">Login</a> <br ng-hide="isLoggedIn()" />

    It not quite as “easy” as some tags make sense to be kept on one line :

    <li>Sort out why <b>Asynch</b> (email sending) is no longer Asynch!</li>

    I am sure you lot can figure out what makes sense and then allow it to be overridden 🙂

    Nice to have the option to:
    [ ] keep all parent tags on separate lines (and indented)
    NOTE: so if we open and close a tag then they can go on the same line…

    Some of the “flakier” js libraries also struggle with self closing tags and formally closed tags:
    <br/> and <br> </br> so please provide an option (default to on) to:
    (x) don’t change tag closure ( ) force smart tag closure when possible “<br/>” ( ) force formally closed tag “</br”

    Finally; where is the “save” actions? I would like to format on save (once the formatting is fixed).


    #351124 Reply


    An enhancement request is already filed about improving HTML formatting.
    Let us know if you see any issues in MyEclipse.

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