
HQL editor does not see jars in user libraries

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  • #318556 Reply

    Robert Varga

    Hi MyEclipse team,

    I seem to have found a bug in the HQL editor or the ME Spring-Hibernate tooling integration.

    I tried to use the HQL editor to execute a query. I temporarily added the deployment-specific resource folder explicitly to the project as a source folder to overcome the other issue I reported, however the HQL editor still reports an error at trying to instantiate the Spring Application Context content and it actually complains about not being able to find javax.servlet.ServletException (NoClassDefFoundError).

    The Tomcat 6 version of the Servlet API is definitely in the project classpath, it can be resolved from a User Library added to the project classpath.

    So apparently the Spring-Hibernate tooling integration does not look at User Libraries from the project classpath to resolve its needs.

    Best regards,


    #318572 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Unfortunately there are significant classloading issues when it comes to HQL in mixed Spring + Hibernate configurations, I’ll ask the dev team to look into this. If you add the library directly to the classpath, does it work?

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