
How Are App Server Debug Properties Set [Closed]

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  • #203693 Reply

    Bill Winspur

    I want to connect Idea rather than eclipse to the jdwp port on the jboss jvm, even when eclipse launches jboss. This is because I use idea to do all my java programming and debugging, and I use eclipse for xml and j2ee deployment. Sorry eclipse, but for this IDEA bigot, the eclipse java environment just doesn’t cut it yet (perhaps Intellij will do an IDEA plugin for eclipse some day – but thats another story)

    How does ME configure the jboss jvm for debugging? The connector preferences are just run/debug. I did a content search on the eclipse tree for ‘dt_socket’, a debug parameter to the jvm, hoping to find a file with the debug properties, but nothing came up. Can I get at the configuration to customise the debug config? If not, what port and transport does ME specify for communication with the jvm debug server, so that I could at least get a connection for experimenting with idea as a debug client ?

    Still not outsourced,


    #203763 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    We don’t do anything special to launch the remote server VM. We just tie up the debug models properly to work within Eclipse, but the launch is simply Eclipse launching a remote VM for debug. To find out how it does this, I’m going to have to refer you to the Eclipse documentation. Sorry.

    #203823 Reply

    Bill Winspur

    OK, thanks.

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