JSP code completion works great!! Thanks a lot.
But I have two issues.
I have several jsps outside my webroot. But why should myeclipse
bother with them? It should not try to compile or parse those jsps, or it
should be an option. If we have our own ant build process which copies
the jsps to some staging folder, my eclipse tries to compile them too and
complains :
Error /eclipse/workspace/myweb/src/MyJsp.jsp) not in base path (C:/eclipse/workspace/myweb/web/) MyJsp.jsp myweb/src line 0
My view is that it should not go beyond webroot!!
The output folder issue: I have a java project with lot of java files and it
has classes as output folder. I have lot of jsps also in a sub folder. So I
tried to use myeclipse and tried to web enable by selecting
“Web Project Configuration….” dialog box.
Now it takes forever to compile those jsps. I have to kill eclipse.
Then when I look at the project properties ->Build Path the output path of
the entire project is changed to webroot/WEB-INF/classes and since I have
huge # of java files, it seems eclipse tries to recomplie them again into the
new output folder along with jsps which is not good behaviour. I think
“Web Project Configuration….” should ask for “web src folder” too.
myeclipse 2.6.2 (latest 9/10/2003)
eclipse 2.1.1
java 1.3.1_08 on Windos 2000