
graphical faces-config.xml editor

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  • #234072 Reply

    Please add a Tree tab to the faces-config.xml editor. The Design and Source editors are nice, but sometimes it is easier to manipulate the file from a rich preferences type control. I believe you use to have something like this on the struts-config.xml editor.


    #234081 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you open up your web.xml file, and click on the “Grid” tab, is this what you mean?

    When your faces-config.xml file is open, make sure your Outline view is open, this is the “tree” view we intended for people to use that preferred that type of structural representation.

    #234098 Reply

    I am looking for something like the PDE manifest.mf editor.

    Here are a few examples from the EasyStruts project:


    I know of a few other Eclipse based products that have screenshots of this type of editor on their website. If you want, I can send you links to those pictures for more specific examples.


    #234100 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I understand, thank you. We have something like this planned for web.xml, struts and JSF down the road. No ETA yet.

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