
feature request Maven4ME: smarter new JUnit test

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  • #331581 Reply

    Robert Varga


    I have yet another feature request which bugs me for awhile now…

    It would be quite convenient to make file placement when adding a JUnit test for a class a bit smarter. Provided that a project is maven-enabled, then if the to-be-tested class was in source folder src/main/{whatever}, then the default value for the source folder of the new test would default to src/test/{whatever} if it exist, or src/test/java if that does not exist, or possibly have a radio button asking for choosing between src/test/{whatever}, src/test/java and src/main/java defaulting to the narrowest matching test folder present.

    Best regards,


    #331587 Reply



    Maven4MyEclipse is based on M2Eclipse. Looking at this enhancement request against M2Eclipse, such a change seems unlikely :

    Sorry for inconvenience caused.

    #331600 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    As pointed out in the M2Eclipse bug report, this is something that the JUnit team would have to undertake. Since we do not include or modify JUnit currently, it would not be possible for us to make this available in MyEclipse.

    It is an interesting/valid request though and should not be too difficult for the JUnit team, however, they would need to have some level of “Maven” awareness. Perhaps you could file a bug or enhancement request with them.

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