
ExtJS 4.0.7 with MyEclipse 9.1

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  • #321022 Reply

    Anil Gothal

    I am using MyEclipse 9.1, I have tried above methods to setup Ext JS 4.0.7, Editor still does not display anything on “Ctrl+Space”.

    Can you please provide exact steps to setup Ext JS in MyEclipse 9.1/10 ???

    Anil G

    #321078 Reply



    We’re investigating this but don’t have any advice at the moment. When we have more information, we’ll post here.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    #321129 Reply



    These are the steps I took to get this to work for me.

    Create a new Web Project. Go to the project properties dialog (right click on the project and select Properties). Go to the Builders page and disable the JavaScript Validator (it will warn you but disable it anyway).

    Go to the general MyEclipse preferences (MyEclipse->Preferences) and open the MyEclipse->Files and Editors->JavaScript page. Enable Active mode.

    Now create the application, copying in the Extjs 4 SDK as the Getting Started guide mentions.

    Content assist may be a bit slow to start with as indexes get built, but it should all work.

    Please let me know if this works for you.

    #330115 Reply

    Can I find somewhere an updated document of it?

    Sencha just introduced an eclipse plugin with their complete package – I have no access to it, no idea how good is it.


    #330146 Reply



    Did you give a try with the steps suggested by support-tony ?

    If there is an Eclipse plugin which works in Eclipse Indigo , you can try installing it on MyEclipse 10.6.

    Here is the Getting Started Guide for Sencha’s ExtJS 4.x :

    Let us know how it works for you.

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