
Exploded location overlaps an existing deployment

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  • #227960 Reply



    I have gotten to the stage where I am defining the various deployments we have. That is 1 local Tomcat (my machine), 1 staging Tomcat server and 1 production Tomcat server.

    I have been able to setup my local Tomcat as a <Custom Location> and is


    I am trying to add the staging server as


    but I am being told I cannot do this with a message

    Exploded location overlaps an existing deployment

    I made sure that I deleted the webapps folder on F: first.

    Could anyone explain why it thinks the deployments are overlapping, when clearly the drives are totally separate.

    Also, is it not possible to have multiple Tomcat application servers, or at least different ones per project? I only can see how to specify the Tomcat installation in the Window > Preference rather than Project preference, and we run different Tomcats for different projects.

    Best wishes. ADC.

    #227964 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Currently the deployment setup and configuration is archaic and only allows 1 Project : 1 Server mapping. We are aware of this shortcomming and will be completely replacing all this for our 5.0 release in late August. Sorry for the inconvenience until then, it isn’t a small task.

    #228000 Reply


    Okidokes, will use deploy for my local development, and continue to use Ant for deploying across to staging and prod until MyEclipse can help me out 🙂 No worries!

    Cheers, ADC.

    #291491 Reply

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Currently the deployment setup and configuration is archaic and only allows 1 Project : 1 Server mapping. We are aware of this shortcomming and will be completely replacing all this for our 5.0 release in late August. Sorry for the inconvenience until then, it isn’t a small task.

    Hm… 3 years later I still seem to be unable to run multiple Tomcat 4 servers.

    #291561 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    On the “Launch” sub-preference for a connector, you can create a Launch configuration for any server and configure as many as you want. You can then launch your servers from the Run or Debug menus.

    #327808 Reply


    I am using My Eclipse 9.0, and have this problem . Is there a solution?

    #327820 Reply



    Can you give us some more information ?

    1. Can you please copy paste the Installation Details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Install Details ?

    2. Did you use the “Launch” configuration as suggested in the previous reply ? If no, can you please give it a try ?

    3. How are you trying to set the server ? Please give us steps in detail on how you are trying to set the server for us to help replicate the issue at our end.

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