
Existing JSP project.

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  • #219395 Reply

    I have an existing JSP project that I have web enabled through myeclipse.
    When the compiler compiles the jsps in the project
    It returns errors on what are usually default imports such as using
    classes in java.util package.
    I don’t want to go through 4000+ files to put the imports in.
    Is there any way to tell the jsp compiler to ignore these special cases?
    I am using eclipse version 2.1.1 and myeclipse version 2.7.1


    #219418 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I don’t believe that the JSP spec specifies that java.util.* should be imported by all JSPs by default, but perhaps that’s not what you’re saying? However, to specifically answer your question, there’s no way to specify a default set of imports that should be used.

    In the latest release of MyEclipse (3.8.2 for Eclipse 3.0.1) you’ll find a good bit more capability but I don’t know if it will resolve this issue to your satisfaction either. If you’d like to try it out, I’d suggest installing it in parallel to your current environment and using a copy of your current workspace.

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