
Exclude files from copying to WEB-INF/classes

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  • #225964 Reply


    Our version control system creates files named ‘,D’, e.g. ‘index.jsp,D’ which contain differences to the previous version. MyEclipse copies them to WEB-INF/classes, so that they are in two locations which confuses the VCS.

    Is there a way to specify which files (not) to copy to WEB-INF/classes?

    #226014 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Anything in your /src dir that is not a Java file is copied to the output folder (classes) by Eclipse, not MyEclipse, this is default build behavior. I do not know how to adjust this except by setting the “derived” flag on the files… atleast this works with the CVS plugin (it will ignore derived resources) but it is up to your plugin to handle them appropriately.

    To set derived, right click on resource and go to Properties, then check “Derviced”.

    #231615 Reply

    Victor Ott

    The problem with “derived” is that you can’t assign the “derived” status to all “*,D” files, afaik it can be set only on a per-file basis.

    But, there’s a much better way to exclude files from compilation/deployment:
    Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Source > Excluded (subnode of each source folder) > Edit

    The exclusion pattern you’re looking for is **/*,D

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