
Editing and scrolling JSP page is very slow

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  • #315389 Reply


    I am editing a JSP page that has little more than 850 lines. Making changes to this file and switching between other open files in the editor takes a long time. What causes this and how can I fix it?

    Installation Detials
    *** Date:
    Monday, March 21, 2011 3:19:11 PM CDT

    ** System properties:
    OS version=5.1.0
    Java version=1.6.0_13

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 8.6.1
    Build id: 8.6.1-20101117

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 8.6.1
    Build id: 8.6.1-20101117

    Eclipse startup command=-os
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse-8.6\myeclipse.exe
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse-8.6\../Common/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.200.v20090519\eclipse_1206.dll
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse-8.6\../Common/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.201.R35x_v20090715.jar
    C:/Program Files/Genuitec/MyEclipse-8.6
    C:/Program Files/Genuitec/Common/binary/com.sun.java.jdk.win32.x86_1.6.0.013/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll


    #315410 Reply



    Sorry to hear you are running into performance issues with JSP editiing and swtiching between open files on ME 8.6.1. Thank you for sharing your installation details. ME 9.0 GA is released and has added performance improvements for JSPs. Could you please install a fresh copy of ME 9.0 and give it a shot? Let me know how this works for you.

    #315496 Reply


    @support-joy wrote:

    ME 9.0 GA is released and has added performance improvements for JSPs. Could you please install a fresh copy of ME 9.0 and give it a shot? Let me know how this works for you.

    I did install M.E 9.0. I dont see any improvements. The problem still remains. Is there a fix for the problem I reported?

    #315563 Reply



    Sorry to hear you are not seeing any performance improvements of JSPs on ME 9.0.
    To investigate this issue further, can you quickly check something for me –
    1. Open the jsp file using either MyEclipse JSP editor / text editor instead of the default MyEclipse Visual JSP Editor. Do you see any improvements ? (You need to right click on the jsp file > open with > MyEclipse JSP editor)
    2. Could you send us a sample project with your jsp file(850 lines of code) in a zip file and mail to [email protected] , please add a reference to this weblink and add ATTN:Joy in the subject. This will help me replicate this issue on our end

    Thank you for your support.

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