
duplication conflicts 5.1.1 FullStackInstaller

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  • #267838 Reply


    I’ve had duplication conflicts before and was told it is best to do a full install instead of doing an upgrade to an existing install. So after I installed I went looking for updates and am having issues with ‘Java EMF Model’ Version 1.2.1 in eclipse with version 1.2.3 in myeclipse. I’m running on xp.
    Any suggestions? Thanks

    #267853 Reply


    I noticed another has had the same problem and he was advised to ignore the warning and install. I tried this but I get a dialog saying ‘Update operation has failed’.

    #267856 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    What did you try to install? The full stack installer for MyEclipse 5.1.1 include the latest version of MyEclipse 5.1.1 as well as Eclipse 3.2.2 and all prerequisites. I just installed a copy and ask the update manager to look for updates to currently installed features and was told “No updates are available” as I’d expect. Since MyEclipse 5.1.1 includes the latest update to the Java EMF Model (JEM) which is specifically org.eclipse.jem_1.2.3.v20070130_R—-6zXJK-L2U8VZ you should not even have JEM 1.2.1 installed and since it’s not included in our download I don’t know where it would’ve come from unless you installed Eclipse separately and added it.

    To resolve the problem the quickest, can you try downloading the MyEclipse 5.1.1 full-stack-installer from here and having it install in a new, empty directory. At that point you will definately have the latest version of everything.

    #267877 Reply



    I installed MyEclipse_5.1.1GA_FullStackInstaller.exe. Once the install was complete I found updates available at:
    Business Intellegence and Reporting Tool, Callisto Discovery Site, Data Tools Platform, MyEclipse Discovery Site, Test and Performance Tools Platform and Visual Editor update site.

    #267899 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Ah, then you selected “Search for new features to install…” not “Look for updates to currently installed features”. That’s we’re having the communication problem. To me, you’re looking to augment the product, not update it, since verything in that stack is fully up to date. That said, yes, you can augment it with BIRT, DTP, Matisse4MyEclipse (from our discovery site — highly recommended) or other tools as you see fit. They should install on top of the MyEclipse stack since it’s compatible with the latest from the 2/15 Callisto update.

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